Agriculture & Environment Program

Agriculture Support

This project aimed at developing the capacities of one local community in the planning and the implementation of its own local Sustainable Land Management Plan (SLM) and identifying the financial services required in putting them into practice the local SLM plans.  It began in 2010 and ended in 2011, and was funded by the International Fund for Agriculture & Development (IFAD) through the Ministry of Agriculture. 


 It worked with selected communities in the HASAD region. The aim of the SLM plan was to improve the livelihoods of the rural community through enhanced economic activities, particularly in the agriculture sector.  The activities that the YMCA proposed, were intended to meet the stated objectives in the Terms of Reference provided by the IFAD and the Global Mechanism unit and these fall under two main categories:

  1. Building the capacity of two selected communities, and their respective stakeholders, on local SLM planning and resource mobilization

  2. Identifying financial services required to implement the local SLM plans